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Jul 26, 2022

[Answer] What is the name of the popular mobile version of the board game Scrabble?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the name of the popular mobile version of the board game Scrabble?"

...The best way to play Scrabble in the digital age is through 2009’s Words With Friends. The app plays pretty much exactly like the board game, except you can play anyone, anytime, anywhere. With days and sometimes weeks spanning between moves, one game of Words With Friends can last a very long time.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the name of the popular mobile version of the board game Scrabble?"

Words With Friends:

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  1. There’s a new app called Scrabble Go. Despite the negative reports in the media, it’s actually quite good. There’s a “Classic Mode” where you can play without all the animations and prizes boxes and stuff.

  2. Tactically yes. Scrabble online (particularly on phone) is a two player affair. So any spaces you leave open can be capitalised on by your opponent. When playing round a board with three or more players other player’s sloppiness can cost you the game. You can also cheat online meaning there has to be either a big element of trust or an understanding that you can consult online anagram solvers. This doesn't ruin the game and still means you have to place tiles strategically to protect the big point opportunities.
