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Jul 20, 2022

[Answer] What is the largest desert in Australia?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the largest desert in Australia?"

...1. Great Victoria Desert 2. Great Sandy Desert 3. Tanami Desert 4. Simpson Desert

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the largest desert in Australia?"

Great Victoria Desert - Stretching nearly 162,000 square miles, Australia’s Great Victoria Desert covers much of southern and western Australia. Featuring salt lakes, sandhills, and grassland, Great Victoria is home to many indigenous peoples, including the Kogara, the Mirning, and the Pitjantjatjara. Much of the expansive terrain is uninhabitable, however. In fact, the desert environment can be so harsh for living things that drought-resistant plants, such as eucalyptus and acacia species, are the only vegetation that survives in some areas. You will also find dingo, big monitor lizards, and the southern marsupial mole in Great Victoria. Portions of the desert, like the Mamungari Conservation Park, are considered protected areas.:

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