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Jul 15, 2022

[Answer] In which German city can you find this unusual subway entrance?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In which German city can you find this unusual subway entrance?"

...1. Frankfurt 2. Berlin 3. Hamburg 4. Munich

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In which German city can you find this unusual subway entrance?"

Frankfurt - Germany's financial city of Frankfurt is usually all business — until you get to Bockenheimer Warte subway station. One of its entrances looks like an old tram car bursting out of the ground. Built in 1986, the quirky design came about as a result of conflict between the city's transport authority and local residents worried about the impact of subway expansion on their picturesque district. So, architect Zbigniew Peter Pininsky devised a station entrance that people couldn't help but laugh at. Perhaps miraculously, the idea was approved, and the tongue-in-cheek subway station entrance has since become an attraction in its own right.:

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