Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Poker hands are folded. Origami is folded. Failing businesses are folded. Sheep are folded. How does one fold together ingredients in the kitchen?"
...1. Combine in an electric stand mixer set on "fold." 2. Place alternating layers of the two ingredients in a bowl and then stir them together. 3. Beat together with a whisk to form an emulsion. 4. Mix gently by cutting down through the mixture with a spatula, lifting and smoothing it over the rest. Lighter mixtures, such as beaten egg whites or whipped cream, are often folded into heavier mixtures, such as batters, in order to combine them without losing the airy texture. This is a process better left incomplete than overcomplete.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Poker hands are folded. Origami is folded. Failing businesses are folded. Sheep are folded. How does one fold together ingredients in the kitchen?"
Mix gently by cutting down through the mixture with a spatula, lifting and smoothing it over the rest.:
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