Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Wyoming's Devils Tower and Nebraska's Courthouse Rock are both examples of what landform?"
...1. Gully 2. Bluff 3. Canyon 4. Butte
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Wyoming's Devils Tower and Nebraska's Courthouse Rock are both examples of what landform?"
Butte - Buttes (pronounced "byoots") have three main characteristics: steep or vertical sides, a flat top, and a height that is greater than its width. Generally, buttes are formed over millennia of erosion, which weathers away soft rock, leaving behind the top layers of hard rock protecting the butte all the way to the ground. Some of the more famous buttes in the world are Devils Tower in Wyoming, the Mitten Buttes of Monument Valley in Arizona, Courthouse Rock and Jail Rock in Nebraska, and Kachaghakaberd Fortress in Azerbaijan. Buttes are very similar to mesas or plateaus, only differing in terms of size.:
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