Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What composer is considered the “father of classical music”?"
...1. Beethoven 2. Bach 3. Mozart 4. Vivaldi
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What composer is considered the “father of classical music”?"
Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is considered the "father of classical music" in part due to his prolific output: He composed over 1,100 works in his lifetime. Bach's music was so valued that Beethoven called him the "original father of harmony" and Chopin often prepared for a concert by first playing some Bach. The composer came from a large family of talented musicians and was constantly surrounded by music. This upbringing allowed Bach to take elements from all sorts of styles and traditions of music and fuse them to create some of the most beautiful instrumental music ever composed. Bach wrote in almost every genre of classical music from chamber music to choral pieces and his work has proved enduringly popular, inspiring numerous generations of musicians.:
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