Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The first coupon was distributed for what product?"
...Coca-Cola first introduced the concept of a coupon in 1887, offering consumers one free glass of Coke. In 1909, Post distributed a coupon for their Grape-Nuts cereal product, thus extending coupons into the food space. The Nielsen Coupon Clearing House was established in 1957, becoming the first company dedicated to coupon redemption, and in 1968 Valpax revolutionized the coupon industry even further with their little blue envelopes containing coupons for local services.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "The first coupon was distributed for what product?"
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Coupon history is fascinating, especially knowing that the first coupon was for a soda like Coca-Cola. It’s intriguing to see how the concept of coupons has evolved from a free glass of Coke to the wide variety of products and services we can now get discounts on. The early efforts by Post and later by Valpak have truly set the foundation for the extensive coupon industry we see today