Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. What country is home to the largest city in Africa? I, Napoleon, was there when I said this to rally my men ". . .forty centuries look down upon you. . .""
...1. Constantinople 2. Egypt 3. Rome 4. Babylon The city of Cairo, Egypt, proper is home to 7.9 million people; the entire urban area has a population of 14.8 million. It takes up an area of 104 square miles. I desperately wished to undermine the British navy, but our naval power was not yet sufficient! Instead, I proposed an expedition to Egypt, with the aim of disrupting England's trade with India. On July 21, 1798, we fought the Battle of the Pyramids and won against the Mamelukes! What will we ever do with this big rock they found near the Rosetta Branch of the Nile? And no, I would never allow my men to use the Sphinx for target practice!
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. What country is home to the largest city in Africa? I, Napoleon, was there when I said this to rally my men ". . .forty centuries look down upon you. . .""
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