Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. This left-handed batter was banned from playing baseball for life in 1921 after he and several teammates of the Chicago White Sox intentionally losing games to fix the 1919 MLB World Series. Nicknamed "Shoeless", who was this player?"
...1. George Ruth 2. Joe Jackson 3. Arnold Gandil 4. Charles Risberg It is not known to what extent "Shoeless Joe" Jackson was actually involved in the Black Sox Scandal, although much evidence suggests that he was not guilty. He spent much of his later life insisting his innocence. At the time, he tried on multiple occasions to refuse the bribes from the other players, and also tried to expose the conspiracy to the team owner. Furthermore, he attended none of the meetings of the conspirators. During the trial, he was unable to afford a lawyer, and was represented by the team's attorney, who persuaded him to sign a waiver granting immunity prosecution even though Jackson was illiterate. The attorney also reportedly got him drunk on whiskey to elicit his confession. The eight players were banned from organized baseball for life by the Commissioner of Baseball, Kenesaw Mountain Landis.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. This left-handed batter was banned from playing baseball for life in 1921 after he and several teammates of the Chicago White Sox intentionally losing games to fix the 1919 MLB World Series. Nicknamed "Shoeless", who was this player?"
Joe Jackson:
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