Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the original name of the Peanuts comic strip?"
In 1947, Charles Schulz created a comic strip called L'il Folks that appeared mainly in Schulz's hometown paper, the St. Paul Pioneer Press. The strip is now regarded as an embryonic version of Peanuts, containing characters and themes which would reappear in his later strip: a well-dressed young boy with a fondness for Beethoven, à la Schroeder; a dog with a resemblance to Snoopy; and a boy named Charlie Brown. In 1950, Shultz sold the series to the United Features Syndicate, which then changed its name to Peanuts.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the original name of the Peanuts comic strip?"
Li'I Folks:
In 1947, Charles Schulz created a comic strip called L'il Folks that appeared mainly in Schulz's hometown paper, the St. Paul Pioneer Press. The strip is now regarded as an embryonic version of Peanuts, containing characters and themes which would reappear in his later strip: a well-dressed young boy with a fondness for Beethoven, à la Schroeder; a dog with a resemblance to Snoopy; and a boy named Charlie Brown. In 1950, Shultz sold the series to the United Features Syndicate, which then changed its name to Peanuts.
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