Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these is one of the EU countries that have not yet adopted the Euro?"
...1. France 2. Greece 3. Latvia 4. Hungary
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these is one of the EU countries that have not yet adopted the Euro?"
Hungary - One of the European Union's main functions is to bring the region together under one currency: the euro. As of February 2020, however, eight of the 27 countries currently in the EU have not yet adopted the euro. Among those outside of the so-called eurozone is Denmark, which negotiated an opt-out and is not legally obligated to introduce the euro. (The U.K. also had an opt-out before leaving the EU in January.) Other member countries, including Poland, Croatia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, will join the eurozone upon meeting specific criteria.:
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