Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Il Bel Paese! Which of these is the Italian name for "Italy"?"
...1. Italica 2. Italia 3. Itaglia 4. Itagliala Italia, of course! Italy is known as "Il Bel Paese" (means "The Beautiful Country") for its cultural wonders and its beautiful landscapes. Another nickname for Italy is "Lo Stivale" ("The Boot"), due to its peculiar shape. The origin of the term "Italia" is disputed. Many historians and etymologists argue that the term originated from "vitlo" (ancient name for "vitello", means "calf"). Indeed, a prehistoric tribe lived in the Calabria had a calf for a totem. In other studies, it has been hypothesized that the term "Italia" originated from "Tala", an ancient African city, and that the Talian people migrated overseas for some reason.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Il Bel Paese! Which of these is the Italian name for "Italy"?"
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