Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. When I started my first family of four "pups", my parents were not surprised. They had been expecting that many grandchildren all along. What caused them to think that Arnold, Andrew, Albert and Alex would be my first four children?"
...1. we only reproduce four children if we become pregnant in the summer 2. our family usually has four offspring on the first try; later we have more 3. armadillos nearly always have four offspring per mating 4. they were extremely lucky guessers My species almost always has one egg that divides itself into four identical components; so four is a very common number of babies for us to produce. There is one litter of four quadruplets per year, (always of the same sex), usually born around April. Additionally, we have the ability to choose when to get pregnant, even delaying the pregnancy by months or even years AFTER we have mated. In case of food shortages, water shortages or dangerous conditions, we may delay the egg fertilization process until we no longer feel stressed with environmental concerns. Now, how many other animals can manage to do THAT?
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. When I started my first family of four "pups", my parents were not surprised. They had been expecting that many grandchildren all along. What caused them to think that Arnold, Andrew, Albert and Alex would be my first four children?"
armadillos nearly always have four offspring per mating:
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