Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. My name is Ed and I form calcium-based kidney stones all the time. My wife doesn't make them. We eat the same foods and drink the same drinks. Neither of our families have a history of kidney stones and I don't have gout. What is the basic difference?"
...1. she takes cranberry juice and I don't 2. she drinks less water than I do 3. excretion of urinary citrate in females is higher 4. she eats more salt than I do Women form fewer stones due to the higher concentration of citrate in their urine relative to their creatinine. It is thought that this is one of the most likely reasons that women have fewer kidney stone attacks than men. Eating salt and drinking cranberry juice or less water may actually increase kidney stone development.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. My name is Ed and I form calcium-based kidney stones all the time. My wife doesn't make them. We eat the same foods and drink the same drinks. Neither of our families have a history of kidney stones and I don't have gout. What is the basic difference?"
excretion of urinary citrate in females is higher:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. My name is Ed and I form calcium-based kidney stones all the time. My wife doesn't make them. We eat the same foods and drink the same drinks. Neither of our families have a history of kidney stones and I don't have gout. What is the basic difference?"
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