Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. This 1963 film caused a sensation while it was being filmed, as much for the antics of the starring performers as anything else. It stars Elizabeth Taylor as "Cleopatra". Who was her co-star in the film, and in real life? "
...1. Rex Harrison 2. John Gielgud 3. John Mills 4. Richard Burton Ms. Taylor was paid one million dollars to star in the movie. While it seems like a pittance today, compared to the astronomical salaries some actors earn, in those days it was a huge amount. "Cleopatra" was the most expensive film ever made at that time. There were enormous problems with this movie...Elizabeth became very ill, there were many cast and script changes. Still, the film is quite spectacular. When Elizabeth dumped her then husband Eddie Fisher for Richard Burton, the press went berserk. Her marriage to Fisher lasted less than 5 years, and they were divorced in 1964.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "6. This 1963 film caused a sensation while it was being filmed, as much for the antics of the starring performers as anything else. It stars Elizabeth Taylor as "Cleopatra". Who was her co-star in the film, and in real life? "
Richard Burton:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "6. This 1963 film caused a sensation while it was being filmed, as much for the antics of the starring performers as anything else. It stars Elizabeth Taylor as "Cleopatra". Who was her co-star in the film, and in real life? "
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