Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Let's start winding down with a couple of terms more common for Americans. First, what did a haberdasher deal in?"
...1. horses, saddles, and tack 2. furniture and antiques 3. books and manuscripts 4. men's clothing and accessories A couple of famous former haberdashers, if you will, might be Harry Truman and John D. Rockefeller. Interestingly, this term may have come to us from Icelandic, as in haprtask, or "peddler's wares." Also, former French king Louis IX (Saint Louis), is the patron saint of haberdashers. Wasn't Truman born in Independence?
Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. Let's start winding down with a couple of terms more common for Americans. First, what did a haberdasher deal in?"
men's clothing and accessories:
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