Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. "Shaft" was a 1971 motion picture that had a successful theme song. Who wrote and recorded it?"
...1. Jimmy Ruffin 2. Stevie Wonder 3. Sam and Dave 4. Isaac Hayes The time-shortened "Theme from Shaft" was released as a single in 1971, about two months after the soundtrack was released with a much longer version. The song was never intended to be released as a single but with the success of the motion picture, the song got a lot of exposure and a single was subsequently produced. Isaac Hayes had written many of the Sam and Dave tunes that became popular including "Soul Man". Hayes' work was rewarded with a number one Billboard Hot 100 hit, which stayed at the top for two weeks in the fall of 1971. He also received an Academy Award for "Best Original Song" for this tune.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. "Shaft" was a 1971 motion picture that had a successful theme song. Who wrote and recorded it?"
Isaac Hayes:
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