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Nov 21, 2021

[Answer] In Victorian Britain, what did a tosher do?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In Victorian Britain, what did a tosher do?"

...1. Clean the streets 2. Sell matches 3. Search for valuables in the sewer 4. Sweep chimneys

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In Victorian Britain, what did a tosher do?"

Search for valuables in the sewer - Victorian London had a booming population and large underclass, all searching for ways to make a living. One of the more dangerous professions was that of the tosher, men who broke into London's sprawling sewer system and tramped through the mire searching for valuables. Toshers collected any scraps they could sell, from fragments of rope and bits of bone to silver cutlery and misplaced coins. In 1840 it became illegal to enter the sewers, so many toshers snuck in at night and worked by lantern light, making their job even more dangerous. It was worth it, however — a tosher could make around six shillings a day (roughly $50).:

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