Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In the 1960s, the FBI investigated the unintelligible lyrics of which popular song?"
In 1963, a rock group named the Kingsmen recorded the song “Louie, Louie.” The popularity of the song and difficulty in discerning the lyrics led some people to suspect the song was obscene. The FBI was asked to investigate whether or not the song violated laws against the Interstate Transportation of Obscene Material. After a two-year-long investigation, the FBI declared the lyrics unintelligible and closed the case. Jack Ely, who sang the song on the record, attributed the indecipherability of the song to the braces he wore on his teeth at the time and awkward location of the microphone.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "In the 1960s, the FBI investigated the unintelligible lyrics of which popular song?"
Louie, Louie:
In 1963, a rock group named the Kingsmen recorded the song “Louie, Louie.” The popularity of the song and difficulty in discerning the lyrics led some people to suspect the song was obscene. The FBI was asked to investigate whether or not the song violated laws against the Interstate Transportation of Obscene Material. After a two-year-long investigation, the FBI declared the lyrics unintelligible and closed the case. Jack Ely, who sang the song on the record, attributed the indecipherability of the song to the braces he wore on his teeth at the time and awkward location of the microphone.
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