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Oct 11, 2021

[Answer] Where is King Tut’s tomb?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is King Tut’s tomb? "

...1. Valley of the Kings 2. Alexandria 3. Downtown Cairo 4. Great Pyramid of Giza

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is King Tut’s tomb? "

Valley of the Kings - King Tut, or Tutankhamen, is perhaps the most famous of all Egyptian pharaohs. As the kingdom's youngest ruler, he became king at the age of nine but ruled for less than 10 years before his untimely death. Despite this brief tenure, he was highly revered in his time. His tomb had been hidden for 3,000 years before being discovered in 1922 at the Valley of the Kings by Howard Carter, a British archaeologist. Luckily, King Tut's gravesite was remarkably intact with elaborate paintings, jewels, oils, and a golden coffin and mummy. The discovery caused such an increase in foot traffic that dust and carbon dioxide disrupted the preserved burial area. In 2009, great efforts were made to restore King Tut’s tomb, removing the build-up of dust over the years. In order to keep his tomb at the Valley of the Kings in pristine condition, an air filtration system has been added along with restricted access to the walls. The tomb is still a popular tourist attraction as his mummy is on display in his original resting place. :

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