Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is considered the national animal of Italy?"
...1. Octopus 2. Brown Bear 3. Wolf 4. Lynx
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is considered the national animal of Italy?"
Wolf - The Italian grey wolf, also called the Apennine Wolf, lives primarily in the mountains of Italy, along with parts of France and Switzerland. They are the dominant large predators in Italy, numbering about three million, and considered the unofficial symbol of the country. One reason is because the wolf has played an important role in Roman mythology. According to legend, Romulus and Remus were twin boys, and a rival tried to drown them the Tiber river. But they survived, and a she-wolf raised the twins until the shepherd Faustulus found the boys and raised them as his own. Romulus and Remus founded a town on the site where they were saved. Romulus later killed his brother and named the city for himself: Rome.:
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