Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Richard Sorge was the Soviet Union's most successful spy. What vital information did he have that Stalin ignored before hostilities with Germany?"
...1. The date of Operation Barbarossa 2. The purpose of Operation Z 3. The target of Operation Zitadel 4. The meaning of Operation Sea Lion Richard Sorge passed on the exact date of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, Operation Barbarossa - 22 June 1941. (According to some sources the date he gave was actually 20 June 1941). Stalin chose to ignore this information, apparently claiming that it was disinformation. In addition, Richard Sorge sent two messages in September 1941, informing the Soviet government that Japan was not intending, at that stage, to attack the Soviet Union. Stalin's entourage succeeded in persuading him to take the second message seriously. This allowed the Soviet government to move a large number of first rate troops from the Far East and Siberia westward to defend Moscow. Some believe that this was an absolutely key decision.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Richard Sorge was the Soviet Union's most successful spy. What vital information did he have that Stalin ignored before hostilities with Germany?"
The date of Operation Barbarossa:
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