Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. This flower, which is traditionally worn by Tahitian women behind the ear to indicate availability for courtship, has a remarkable number of other uses. What is this lovely, showy bloom?"
...1. Wattle 2. Pineapple 3. Hibiscus 4. Cherry Blossom There are several hundred different species of the hibiscus. Apart from its lovely ornamental display, every part of the plant can be utilised. Its nectar attracts butterflies and bees and various birds (and apparently husbands), it can be used to make paper, a delicious tea, and, when mixed with sugar and spices, a potent alcoholic drink. It is utilised in various foods as a vegetable or food flavouring, or candied and eaten as a treat on its own, and it is gradually being used more and more as a natural food colouring, replacing the somewhat risky artificial ones. Children make use of its sap for blowing bubbles, and it is incorporated in the making of grass skirts, and even wigs. Medicinally, it is said to be excellent for lowering high blood pressure, as a natural diuretic, for coughs, for skin care, and finally, for hair colouring and a shampoo and conditioner. Wow!
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. This flower, which is traditionally worn by Tahitian women behind the ear to indicate availability for courtship, has a remarkable number of other uses. What is this lovely, showy bloom?"
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