Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What did Kanye West officially change his name to yesterday?"
Kanye West is no more. Yesterday, a judge in Los Angeles officially approved the rapper's petition to change his name to Ye. The 44-year-old no longer has a legal middle or last name. West stated he was drawn to the biblical significance of the moniker. "I believe 'ye' is the most commonly used word in the Bible, and in the Bible, it means 'you.' So I'm you, I'm us, it's us," he said. Ye has been Kanye's longstanding nickname, and was also the title of his 8th studio album. The court's approval comes two months after the rapper filed paperwork saying he was changing his name for "personal reasons."
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What did Kanye West officially change his name to yesterday?"
Kanye West is no more. Yesterday, a judge in Los Angeles officially approved the rapper's petition to change his name to Ye. The 44-year-old no longer has a legal middle or last name. West stated he was drawn to the biblical significance of the moniker. "I believe 'ye' is the most commonly used word in the Bible, and in the Bible, it means 'you.' So I'm you, I'm us, it's us," he said. Ye has been Kanye's longstanding nickname, and was also the title of his 8th studio album. The court's approval comes two months after the rapper filed paperwork saying he was changing his name for "personal reasons."
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