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Sep 21, 2021

[Answer] Where can you find this ancient aqueduct?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you find this ancient aqueduct?"

...1. Spain 2. Italy 3. Portugal 4. Croatia

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you find this ancient aqueduct?"

Italy - Rome is an astounding graveyard of archeological treasures. Not only does the extraordinary Roman Colosseum stand at the center of the city, but the Roman Forum, the Pantheon, and various ruins are also dispersed across the Italian capital. One often-forgotten ruin is located in Parco Degli Acquedotti, a park home to two ancient aqueducts known as Aqua Claudia and Aqua Marcia in the countryside. The countryside is known as the “Campagna Romana” and is a favorite place among Italian artists, often illustrated in many works. The protected area preserves the ruins that once transported drinking water from Monti Simbruini and the Alban Hills into the city.:

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