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Sep 16, 2021

[Answer] 2. This was multi-player game set in Europe just prior to World War I and deals with the foreign relations of the major powers at that time. Which game was this that shares its name with the word for the conduct of foreign relations?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. This was multi-player game set in Europe just prior to World War I and deals with the foreign relations of the major powers at that time. Which game was this that shares its name with the word for the conduct of foreign relations?"

...1. Negotiations 2. Statecraft 3. Diplomacy 4. Maneuver "Diplomacy" was initially released in 1954 by Games Research and then Avalon Hill. Avalon Hill marketed it as the favorite game of JFK and Kissinger. The game still has a large following and tournaments have been held since the '70s. Basically the game involves pre-WWI Europe and the relationships between the countries and empires that existed then. The game does not follow the traditional rules of each player taking one turn but rather all players write down their moves secretly after a period of negotiation and then all is revealed at the same time. The brute force of combat as found in most wargames is replaced with the need for social skills and relationships, diplomatic combat if you will. In both games, strategy is used in deploying the combat necessary to gain the goals desired.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. This was multi-player game set in Europe just prior to World War I and deals with the foreign relations of the major powers at that time. Which game was this that shares its name with the word for the conduct of foreign relations?"


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