Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Nicolas Appert (1749-1841) was a famous French chef, confectioner and inventor. What food-related product did he invent? "
...1. Preserving dead bodies 2. Preserving romance 3. Preserving stuffed animals 4. Preserving food in sealed bottles After fifteen years of experimentation, the remarkable Appert finally had the solution on how to keep foods fresh for months at a time. He put his food products in jars, sealed them tightly with "cork and sealing wax, and then placed them in boiling water". It seems so simple now that we know how it is done. Appert (I keep wanting to call him Appetite) subsequently wrote a book called "The Art of Preserving Animal and Vegetables Substances" in which he described all the foods that could be preserved and the exact methods to do so. These included "soups, vegetables, juices, dairy products (wow!), jellies, jams and syrups...beef, fowl, eggs" his own recipes, and other dishes. So skilled did he become with his preservation methods that he even once preserved one large sheep. As a result of Appert's work, a factory was quickly established in the town of Massy, which was not far from Paris, in order to mass produce preserved foods. All this took place long before Louis Pasteur came along to design his methods of pasteurisation. By 1810, a British merchant, Peter Durand, perfected a method of preserving food in tin cans. This however didn't take off in a big way until the onset of the 20th century because can openers hadn't been invented yet. That's so peculiar - and comical. Prior to that invention, cans had to be opened with a hammer and a chisel.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Nicolas Appert (1749-1841) was a famous French chef, confectioner and inventor. What food-related product did he invent? "
Preserving food in sealed bottles:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. Nicolas Appert (1749-1841) was a famous French chef, confectioner and inventor. What food-related product did he invent? "
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