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Sep 14, 2021

[Answer] 2. In 1860-61, Burke and Wills led the first expedition to successfully cross Australia longitudinally. What unfortunate occurrence resulted in their deaths?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. In 1860-61, Burke and Wills led the first expedition to successfully cross Australia longitudinally. What unfortunate occurrence resulted in their deaths?"

...1. A rendezvous point was abandoned only hours before the explorers returned 2. They trusted the "large, funny-looking lizards" in the northern rivers 3. When their horses died, Burke suggested they ride wild kangaroos 4. They were attacked by dingoes After travelling for some four months, enduring terrible hardship, and being overdue, Robert O'Hara Burke, William John Wills, and John King missed their support team at Cooper's Creek by a mere nine hours. Being too weak to catch up, Burke and Wills eventually died, but not before another ironic twist: having eaten the buried supplies left behind for them, the explorers outlined their intentions in a note, buried it in the cache, and left Cooper's Creek - thus they missed a rescue team which, having returned to the spot, failed to check whether the buried supplies had been used. The erroneous assumption was that the explorers had never returned. The sole survivor of the expedition, John King, was kept alive by local aborigines.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. In 1860-61, Burke and Wills led the first expedition to successfully cross Australia longitudinally. What unfortunate occurrence resulted in their deaths?"

A rendezvous point was abandoned only hours before the explorers returned:

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