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Sep 22, 2021

[Ans] Which actor was awarded the Purple Heart two times for his service?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which actor was awarded the Purple Heart two times for his service?"

You probably knew him from the series Maverick or The Rockford Files. But prior to becoming an actor, James Garner served in the Merchant Marines, the Oklahoma National Guard, and the U.S. Army. His military career began at the age of 16 when he dropped out of high school to join the Merchant Marines. He later served in the Oklahoma National Guard for seven months before joining the Army and serving in the 24th Infantry during the Korean War. While in the Army, Garner was injured twice. The first time he was hit in the hand and face by shrapnel from a mortar round. The second time he was shot in the buttocks by U.S. fighter jets as he dove into a foxhole. As a result, Garner was awarded two Purple Hearts for his service.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which actor was awarded the Purple Heart two times for his service?"

James Garner:

You probably knew him from the series Maverick or The Rockford Files. But prior to becoming an actor, James Garner served in the Merchant Marines, the Oklahoma National Guard, and the U.S. Army. His military career began at the age of 16 when he dropped out of high school to join the Merchant Marines. He later served in the Oklahoma National Guard for seven months before joining the Army and serving in the 24th Infantry during the Korean War. While in the Army, Garner was injured twice. The first time he was hit in the hand and face by shrapnel from a mortar round. The second time he was shot in the buttocks by U.S. fighter jets as he dove into a foxhole. As a result, Garner was awarded two Purple Hearts for his service.

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