Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these famous rivers flows in two directions?"
...1. Missouri River 2. Hudson River 3. Rio Grande River 4. Columbia River
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these famous rivers flows in two directions?"
Hudson River - The Hudson River's Mohawk name, Muhheakantuck ("river that flows two ways"), gives away a fascinating quirk of its hydrology. The New York river flows in different directions because the Hudson is both a river and a tidal estuary, where the saltwater of the ocean meets inland freshwater. The direction of the flow changes with the tides four times a day: When the tide is high, the Hudson pushes inland, but when the tide is low, it flows in the direction of New York Harbor. The tidal portion of the Hudson stretches a full 153 miles, almost half the river’s course, reaching all the way to Troy in upstate New York, where it meets a dam. :
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