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Aug 24, 2021

[Answer] Where can you find this dragon-inspired bridge?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you find this dragon-inspired bridge?"

...1. Taitung, Taiwan 2. Xiamen, China 3. Bekasi, Indonesia 4. Osaka, Japan

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you find this dragon-inspired bridge?"

Taitung, Taiwan - The area of Sanxiantai in Taiwan used to be a long cape. Over time, erosion washed away most of the cape, creating a separate island that has since been connected to the land by a very unique arched bridge — resembling the long curving body of a dragon. The number of arches — eight — is no coincidence. Local legend has it that three of China's “Eight Immortals” once landed on the island, earning it the name “Terrace of the Three Immortals.” Today, the bridge is a popular tourist spot for photos, and an even better base for those looking to explore the bountiful, colorful sea life and caves surrounding the island.:

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