Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. H -- Which phrase would you use to ask the judge to literally "Produce the Body" of the Defendant?"
...1. Habeas Corpus 2. Post Hoc 3. Hodie Mihi 4. Pro Hac Vice The correct answer is Habeas Corpus ("have the body;" a writ calling for the defendant to be released from custody). This action would be filed by a criminal claiming he was imprisoned illegally. Hodie Mihi means today for me. The complete phrase, sometimes found in epitaphs, is hodie mihi, cras tibi: It is my lot today, yours tomorrow. Post Hoc means after this. The complete Latin phrase is "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc," and refers to a logical fallacy that because one thing occurred after another, the first thing must have caused the second thing to occur. An example would be blaming obesity on consumption of fast food, without taking into account other possible causes such as medical conditions, lack of exercise, or excessive consumption of desserts. Pro Hac Vice means for this occasion, a term applied to permitting a member of the bar of one state to appear in the court of another state on a one-time basis (as in "My Cousin Vinny").
Step 2 : Answer to the question "6. H -- Which phrase would you use to ask the judge to literally "Produce the Body" of the Defendant?"
Habeas Corpus:
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