Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country parades first during the Olympics opening ceremony?"
...1. The host country 2. Greece 3. The previous host country 4. Albania
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which country parades first during the Olympics opening ceremony?"
Greece - The Olympic Games opening ceremony is typically an opportunity for the host country to showcase its cultural identity with music, dance, and elaborate fireworks displays. It's also a chance for the competing athletes to march for their countries in the Parade of Nations. The order of nations is based on the alphabet of the host country, which explains why you saw Iceland before Estonia when the 2018 Winter Games were held in South Korea. There are two constants, however: The host country always takes the last position in the parade. First place is reserved for Greece, home to the ancient Olympics and host of the first modern-day Olympics in 1896.:
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