Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What animal did the Romans name the "cameleopard"? "
...1. Giraffe 2. Tiger 3. Zebra 4. Cheetah
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What animal did the Romans name the "cameleopard"? "
Giraffe - The Romans called the giraffe the “cameleopard” (or "camelopardalis” in Latin), apparently because they imagined it was something of a mixture between a camel and a leopard. The term was commonly used in English until the late 19th century. The first live giraffe seen in Britain was sent as a gift by the Viceroy of Egypt to King George IV in 1827. The animal, housed at George IV's menagerie in Windsor, did not live long in the English climate, but spawned a craze for printed fabrics and decorative objects inspired by giraffes. (There was even a fashion for women to wear their hair piled high, known as “à la girafe.”) Today the creatures are more commonly known as giraffes, a word that derives from the Arabic “zarafa.”:
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