Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. What would happen if you were offered "Hobson's choice"?"
...1. You would feel extremely foolish 2. There is no choice, only one item/decision being offered 3. Hobson would be asking you for money 4. You would run it In the Grand National Thomas Hobson (1544-1630) was the owner of a livery stable in Cambridge England. He would rotate his horses so that they all had a rest before being hired out. The hirer could take the horse most rested which would be the one nearest the stable door or none at all. A modern example would be Henry Ford, who is reputed to have sold the Model-T Ford in "any colour as long as it was black".
Step 2 : Answer to the question "8. What would happen if you were offered "Hobson's choice"?"
There is no choice, only one item/decision being offered:
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