Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What country are fortune cookies from? "
...1. China 2. USA 3. Japan 4. Germany
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What country are fortune cookies from? "
Japan - They may be a fixture at Chinese restaurants in America, but fortune cookies originated in Japan in the late 1800s. In fact, you won’t even find them at restaurants in China. Japanese fortune cookies (which you can still find in bakeries across the country) are bigger, browner, and taste slightly different since their batter contains sesame and miso instead of vanilla and butter. Fortune cookies became synonymous with Chinese-American restaurant culture during World War II, when Chinese restaurants served them to military personnel in California. Japanese bakeries across the West Coast were selling them before World War II, but as Japanese-Americans were forced into internment camps, Chinese-owned restaurants hopped aboard to meet soldier demand, which led to the fortune cookie’s integration into Chinese culture.:
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