Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which SNL cast member starred in Paul Simon's music video "You Can Call Me Al"?"
"You Can Call Me Al" is a song by Paul Simon. Its lyrics follow an individual seemingly experiencing a midlife crisis and was inspired by Simon's trip to South Africa and his experience with its culture. The name of the song comes from an incident at a party that Simon attended with his then-wife Peggy Harper where Paul was mistakenly referred to as "Al" and his wife Peggy referred to as "Betty", inspiring Simon to write a song. The music video was conceived by Lorne Michaels and featured Chevy Chase lip-syncing Simon's vocals while Simon plays various instruments throughout the song. It became one of Simon's biggest solo hits, reaching the top five in seven countries.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which SNL cast member starred in Paul Simon's music video "You Can Call Me Al"?"
Chevy Chase:
"You Can Call Me Al" is a song by Paul Simon. Its lyrics follow an individual seemingly experiencing a midlife crisis and was inspired by Simon's trip to South Africa and his experience with its culture. The name of the song comes from an incident at a party that Simon attended with his then-wife Peggy Harper where Paul was mistakenly referred to as "Al" and his wife Peggy referred to as "Betty", inspiring Simon to write a song. The music video was conceived by Lorne Michaels and featured Chevy Chase lip-syncing Simon's vocals while Simon plays various instruments throughout the song. It became one of Simon's biggest solo hits, reaching the top five in seven countries.
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