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Apr 26, 2021

[Answer] Which of the following biblical books is only a single chapter long?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of the following biblical books is only a single chapter long?"

...One of only a handful of books in the Bible with one chapter, Philemon was named after the man for whom Paul wrote the letter. Paul knew Philemon as a convert he had introduced to Christianity and discipled. He was a wealthy Christian in Colossae whose home was used as a house church. Paul wrote this letter and sent it with a man named Onesimus, who had once been enslaved by Philemon. Paul led Onesimus through Christian conversion and convinced him to return to Philemon as a Christian. He encouraged Philemon to receive Onesimus as an equal with Christian love, no longer as a slave but as a brother in Christ. Paul even offered himself to receive any penalty Philemon may believe Onesimus deserved. Paul's letter reflects the mercy and grace of the Gospel. He knew the challenge it would present to the thinking of the time, but it is the transformative nature of Christianity that counters the lack of righteousness within some socially accepted norms.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of the following biblical books is only a single chapter long?"


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