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Apr 29, 2021

[Answer] Which nation's parliamentary headquarters was called the "House of the Valleys"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which nation's parliamentary headquarters was called the "House of the Valleys"?"

...1. Austria 2. Switzerland 3. Italy 4. Andorra

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which nation's parliamentary headquarters was called the "House of the Valleys"?"

Andorra - When you take a tour of the old General Council of Andorra, you’ll be guided through the “House of the Valleys.” The 16th-century manor house, also known as “Casa de la Vall'' in Catalan, was once owned by the Busquets family. The family’s coat of arms remains on the house’s façade, alongside the principality’s coat of arms and the motto, “Virtus, Unita, Fortior” (“United virtue is stronger”). Overlooking the River Valira and the entire valley, the headquarters of the Parliament of Andorra were housed there from 1702 to 2011 when the council was moved to a newer building close by. The House is fitted with original, 16th-century paintings in the Hall of Lost Steps, while the secretive Cabinet of Seven Keys safeguards the principality’s important documents.:

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