Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What city built a drainage system known as the “Greatest Sewer”?"
...1. London, England 2. Alexandria, Egypt 3. Rome, Italy 4. Paris, France
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What city built a drainage system known as the “Greatest Sewer”?"
Rome, Italy - The Romans weren’t necessarily big on modesty. When they constructed a drainage system in the 6th century B.C. to carry stormwater from central Rome to the Tiber River, they called it “Cloaca Maxima,” or the “Greatest Sewer.” This sewer system was later expanded to drain the waste from latrines and public baths. During the 1st Century A.D., the Cloaca Maxima was expanded again under Augustus Caesar to include water and waste from 11 nearby aqueducts. The Cloaca Maxima remained in use for centuries, and was again restored during the Renaissance. Parts of it remain today, making it one of the world’s oldest sewer systems still in use, though only a small amount of water flows through the fragile system. :
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