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Apr 26, 2021

[Answer] What characteristic indicates high-quality honey?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What characteristic indicates high-quality honey?"

...1. Dark color 2. Thickness 3. Crystallization 4. Sweet taste

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What characteristic indicates high-quality honey?"

Crystallization - Many people think that when honey crystallizes, it’s gone bad. But honey is one of the longest-lasting foods, since it generally doesn’t grow bacteria. Honey is made up mainly of natural glucose and fructose, and it often crystallizes as the glucose molecules separate from the water. Crystals can also form around pollen in the honey. Far from being something to worry about, crystallized honey can be a good sign — it means the product is pure and hasn’t been adulterated. Honey can also crystallize in cooler temperatures, but in that case it’s easy to re-liquify it: Just warm it back up again!:

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