Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Bruntsfield Links is a park in the middle of Edinburgh. It is one of the oldest known locations to be associated with one of Scotland's, and the world's, most popular pastimes. Which? "
...1. Football 2. Tennis 3. Bowling 4. Golf Nobody knows exactly when golf was first played at Bruntsfield, but an ordinance PROHIBITING the playing of the game there was issued in 1457. It was not until 1744 that the oldest known golf club, the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers, was formed, and the club known as the Royal and Ancient in St. Andrews, which now controls the game of golf worldwide (except for the USA and Mexico), was not heard of until 1754.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. Bruntsfield Links is a park in the middle of Edinburgh. It is one of the oldest known locations to be associated with one of Scotland's, and the world's, most popular pastimes. Which? "
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "3. Bruntsfield Links is a park in the middle of Edinburgh. It is one of the oldest known locations to be associated with one of Scotland's, and the world's, most popular pastimes. Which? "
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