Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. In feudal Japan there was a special class of warriors who used the cover of night to carry out their deadly missions. These assassins became known as what?"
...1. Nissan 2. Kamakazi 3. Ninja 4. Kundi Surprise, stealth, and deception was the way of the ninja. The samurai warriors differed from the ninja in that they obeyed strict rules of combat. Honor was very important to the samurai. Like most warriors throughout history, the ninja utilized many different weapons for combat. The jutte was a strong parrying weapon that could break a samurai blade with a good hit. Jutte jutsu was the art of defeating a fully armed samurai with a jutte. The primary weapon of the ninja was the ninja-to, a short sword with a straight blade. It was put to best use when paired with other weapons such as a hamidashi, a dagger used to slash an opponent's neck, or a sai, an especially dangerous three-pronged dagger.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. In feudal Japan there was a special class of warriors who used the cover of night to carry out their deadly missions. These assassins became known as what?"
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