Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. It is time to be wheeled into the operating room for breast cancer surgery. In my case I was going to have a lumpectomy done. What is that?"
...1. Removal of several random sections of the breast 2. Removal of the tumor and close surrounding tissue 3. Laser treatment to try to shrink the tumor 4. The dissection of a tumor for further study A lumpectomy is the surgical removal of a cancerous tumor along with a little bit of healthy surrounding tissue. This procedure is considered to be non-invasive in comparison to the complete removal of a breast during a mastectomy. A lumpectomy leaves a patient with most of their breast intact, say for an indentation where the tumor was removed from. The incision is roughly two to three inches in length. During the surgery an incision is made in the armpit of the affected side and active lymph nodes detected in previous preoperative (before surgery) tests are removed, bisected and studied. This incision is two to three inches in length as well. In my case one lymph node was removed and the results from that were that it was clear, so no cancer had spread anywhere else. I was then stitched up and brought to the recovery room. Some other types of breast cancer surgeries include: a partial or segmental mastectomy (also called a quadrantectomy) (the removal of part of the breast), simple or total mastectomy (complete removal of one breast) or modified radical mastectomy (total removal of the breast, lymph nodes in the armpit and leaving the chest muscles intact).
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. It is time to be wheeled into the operating room for breast cancer surgery. In my case I was going to have a lumpectomy done. What is that?"
Removal of the tumor and close surrounding tissue:
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