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Mar 4, 2021

[Answer] Who tied the tails of 300 foxes and released them to destroy the grain fields of the Philistines?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who tied the tails of 300 foxes and released them to destroy the grain fields of the Philistines?"

...Samson was renowned for his strength. He was fearless in his endeavors, but when it came to love, Samson was always led by his fleshly desires and made terrible decisions where women were concerned. On this occasion, Samson had married a pagan, and after some time of not being with her, he returned to visit her during the wheat harvesting season. When he arrived and attempted to join her in the room, her father blocked his path, saying, "I thought you didn't want her, so I gave her to someone else, but you can have my younger daughter." Infuriated, Samson captured 300 foxes, and tied them in pairs by their tails. He sent the terrified pairs on a mission to destroy the city. The Philistines were at the beginning of their wheat harvesting season. You can imagine the amount of destruction to property and livelihood that occurred as the frightened animals tore through the fields. The Philistines would later use Samson's same weakness for women and inability to control his desires to bring about his downfall.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who tied the tails of 300 foxes and released them to destroy the grain fields of the Philistines?"


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