Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. state is home to this magnificent waterfall?"
...1. Idaho 2. Washington 3. Arizona 4. South Dakota
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which U.S. state is home to this magnificent waterfall?"
Washington - The 200-foot-tall Palouse Falls is nearly hidden out of sight. Located in Palouse Falls State Park in Washington, the roughly 13,000-year-old waterfall is part of the Palouse River, which winds through a columnar basalt gorge toward the Snake River. The Ice Age-era waterfall can be viewed in three specific areas from unique vantage points: the lower point, which views the falls head-on; a second point along the interpretive path, which is a storytelling spot of the falls’ history; and the Fryxell Overlook, which provides panoramic views of the entire Palouse River Canyon. The 94-acre park is remote and is a favorite spot for picnicking and hiking. In 2014, Palouse actually became Washington’s official state waterfall!:
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