Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you climb the world's longest staircase?"
...1. China 2. India 3. Switzerland 4. Brazil
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you climb the world's longest staircase?"
Switzerland - Think you’re a stairmaster? The 11,674 steps it takes to climb the two-mile-long staircase winding up the side of Switzerland’s Mount Niesen are no joke. That’s the equivalent of climbing the world’s tallest building (Dubai’s Burj Khalifa) four times over or walking up the Statue of Liberty 33 times! Not only is it the world’s longest staircase, but it also might be one of the most scenic. Located on a 7,700-foot-tall mountain in the Swiss Alps, the staircase climbs at a 65% gradient beside an early 20th-century funicular railway. The stairs are usually open only to maintenance workers and not for public use — except during the Niesen Treppenlauf, an annual event in which 500 participants race to the top of the staircase. The record time is just one hour and two minutes. :
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