Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What kind of twin is dizygotic?"
...1. Identical 2. Conjoined 3. Fraternal 4. Mirror-image
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What kind of twin is dizygotic?"
Fraternal - There are two types of twins you’re probably most familiar with: identical and fraternal. Fraternal twins are also called dizygotic twins, while identical twins are known as monozygotic. In the case of identical twins, a single egg splits in two shortly after being fertilized by a single sperm. With fraternal twins, two eggs are fertilized by different sperm and carried together. Identical twins share 100% of their chromosomes, while fraternal twins share only about 50%, which means they can look pretty different. Other types of twins include mirror image twins, which happen when an egg splits 7 to 12 days after being fertilized. By then, the embryo has developed a left and right side. These twins are considered identical but are actually mirror images of each other (one twin may be left handed while the other is right handed, for example).:
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