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Mar 12, 2021

[Answer] Luke observed Jesus often withdrawing to desolate places for what activity?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Luke observed Jesus often withdrawing to desolate places for what activity?"

...Prayer is an essential discipline in the life of a Christian. Prayer is our fellowship with God. It allows us to communicate and spend time with Him. If Jesus, who was God in the flesh, spent time in prayer, how much more essential is prayer time for us? The context of the scripture implies that Jesus often withdrew from everyone to be alone with God in prayer. He would retreat when the crowds began to clamor around him. We can also withdraw into our quiet places for prayer when life's noise becomes too much. Jesus modeled the importance of disengaging from the noise and crowds. He also showed God a level of devotion and dependence by purposefully making time for Him. Although there are occasions for public prayer, he was more closely associated with retreating for intimate time with God. Jesus illustrated that an active public ministry must go hand in hand with a vibrant private prayer life.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Luke observed Jesus often withdrawing to desolate places for what activity?"


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