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Mar 6, 2021

[Answer] In which country can you find this asymmetrical bridge?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In which country can you find this asymmetrical bridge?"

...1. China 2. Denmark 3. Malaysia 4. Canada

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In which country can you find this asymmetrical bridge?"

Malaysia - Bridges aren’t usually noted for their asymmetry, but the Seri Wawasan Bridge in Putrajaya, Malaysia is an exception. Opened in 2003 in order to provide a breezy walkway for locals looking to escape the hot, humid weather, the bridge stretches over Putrajaya Lake and features a forward-leaning pylon that rises 315 feet on one side. Seri Wawasan also has sail-shaped backstays that hold the cables since the structure is supposed to resemble a sailing ship. At night, the bridge features impressive light displays, which enhance its futuristic style.:

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